Sep 11 2021, we will never forget……

Never forget the bloody, crying firemen who screamed about the bombs in the towers and the lobby.

Never forget the 2,300,000,000,000 dollars that was reported missing by Donald Rumsfeld the day before 9/11.

Never forget that the controller in charge of the Pentagon’s budget was Dov Zakheim who lost the 2.3 trillion dollars by doing poor book keeping (lost 1.55 billion dollars, per day, for five years….)

Never forget that Dov Zakheim was also the CEO of Systems Planning Corporation in 2001 which manufactures Flight Termination Systems for commercial airliners so they can be remotely controlled by computers….

Never forget that the day after Rumsfeld mentioned missing 2.3 trillion dollars, a plane impacted the Office of Naval Intelligence at the Pentagon where the computers were kept which stored that information….over 100 budget analysts and accountants were killed and the money trail was lost.

Never forget that Larry Silverstein bought the entire WTC center lease in 2000 for a 15 million dollar bid (even though he was LOWER than other bidders).

Never forget that Larry Silverstein put a 3.5 BILLION dollar insurance policy on the towers against terrorist attacks in June 2001…..then 3 months later, both towers get hit by aircraft.

Never forget that Larry Silverstein sued his insurers (over 40 companies) to get paid double his limit, since each plane constitutes a separate attack…and never forget that Larry made 4.55 billion dollars so far, off of an initial investment of 15 million dollars.

Never forget that scientists and physicists at BYU found a type of explosive in every dust sample tested which was confirmed to be a type of Thermite. (Thermite produces liquid iron and is used to cut thick columns effectively and quietly).

Never forget that World Trade Center 7 fell at 5:20pm on 9/11 and the news tried to cover it up…..

Never forget that BBC, fox news and CNN reporters all misread scripts live on TV which announced WTC7 collapsing hours before it did…..indicating a prewritten narrative

Never forget that WTC 7 was 47 stories tall, yet NIST said that it collapsed “at free fall acceleration for 2.25 seconds”.

Never forget that 2 planes caused 3 buildings to collapse

Never forget that 3 buildings collapsed due to fire, the first and only times that has ever happened, all on the same day, in the same place

Never forget high school physics and the definition of static equilibrium and conservation of momentum which would make it impossible for any structure to collapse at FREE FALL acceleration (impossible with out explosives or preweakening the structure )

Never forget that NORAD was running two drills on 9/11:. Vigilant Guardian and Vigilant Warrior

Never forget that these drills scrambled jets all over the country, and over the ocean and made it impossible for the pilots to intercept the hijacked jets in time once they were scrambled towards the hijackings.

Never forget that molten metal was found at ground zero days after the towers collapsed, and was also found under WTC7. And never forget that Kerosene and office furniture doesn’t burn hot enough to phase change steel from solid to liquid.

Never forget that a van was pulled over trying to leave new York city, and contained illegal explosives and very suspicious occupants from Israel who were detained for 71 days, and then this story disappeared.

Never forget the thousands of Americans murdered by our government for money.